How it all started...

In 2009, when Kevin and Amanda Bates came to Sherwood, Oregon to start Resonate, they were embraced by a network of friends, local churches, and dedicated teammates. Resonate's humble beginnings took shape in living rooms, where small groups of individuals shared a vision for a thriving community. Through the years, they have witnessed transformations, both within the church and in their own lives, and eagerly anticipate more. Continuously, we see new people embracing faith in Christ and starting their journey to deepen their connection with God, as they strive to share love and commitment to service within our community. Kevin and Amanda are dedicated to helping others know God and grow in their spiritual journeys, through a spirit of love and service that inspires those around them.

Expanding the vision...

Jake and Bethany Pflug have been vital leaders of Resonate since the beginning, dedicated to our mission of expansion and outreach. They have led our children's programming, community groups, events, and larger gatherings. For 8 years, we were graciously provided a facility by the local school district for these events and gatherings, the home for many of our significant moments. During our mobile years, we solidified our identity, added to our numbers, and saw many people come to faith and grow in their spiritual journey. In 2018 we established a 5-year lease agreement for a semi-permanent location in downtown Sherwood. This sense of place helped us establish our programming, welcomed more people, and supported us during the challenges of 2020. This was the beginning of a transformational era as it was for many faith communities all over the world. During this time we deconstructed damaging theology, committed to an inclusive posture, and prepared for the church of the future. 

Where we are headed...

We are embarking on a new mobile journey with a robust digital platform, a resurgence of our community groups, unique participatory gatherings, more heart, and more humility.  A refocus on love as the central value in our relationship with Christ has become our passion. Whatever your story or wherever you might be on your spiritual journey — you are welcome here. Our doors are open to all, without pretense or judgment, as we believe everyone belongs at the table of God. Whether you are new to faith or returning after some time away, our community groups serve as the catalysts for spiritual growth and meaningful relationships, our gatherings offer unique opportunities to connect with the larger community, while our digital platform provides resources to support your spiritual journey. Connect with us by downloading the app, use Weekly Online, attend our community gatherings, and join a community group. Explore your faith, develop new friendships, and serve the community around you.